The battle between the active and passive voice is one that has been waged for quite a while now. Indeed, there is a section of writers who believe that the active voice can be used effectively for communication. On the other hand, there are others who see the innumerable benefits of the passive voice; which they consider comparable to none! That is why it’s essential to use a passive voice fixer tool to eliminate the passive voice for persuasive writing.
Regardless of where one stands, most writing professionals agree that the active voice is the most potent form of writing in the world. In fact, it is considered the pinnacle of persuasive writing!
What Is the Definition of Persuasive Writing?
According to scholars, persuasive writing is the process by which a writer devises his or her words in an uncanny way so as to attract readers and keep them hooked on his or her content.
The said writer can do this by adding essentials to the content such as idiomatic expressions, witty phrases, and the use of active voice.
Indeed, most writers use the active voice in persuasive writing; hence, calling for the need for a passive sentence checker online to highlight instances of the passive voice.
6 Best Persuasive Elements in Writing
That being said, here are some of the best writing techniques utilized by the most prolific writers in the world. Indeed, these techniques are used by a myriad of writers to increase their reading audience and to produce viable content for long term running.
- Keeping Consistent: The greatest writers know the power behind holding onto a particular stance and sticking with it through and through. Indeed, from the beginning of their stories, you will always see that there is a clear stance that the writer wants to argue. Additionally, such writers tend to not shy away from controversial themes and opinions. In fact, they even love to use it as their reference point!
- Love to Create a Repetition that is Admired: Moreover, these writers have learned to cultivate the power of respectable repetition. Indeed, it is vital in persuasive writing that for one to agree with you, they first have to understand your point of view.
- The Comparison of Things, Events, Situations: The greatest minds in the field of literature have always used this tactic to lure individuals and to make them like the sort of content that they write and the work they do. In fact, the use of analogies, similes, and metaphors are great in winning your audience.
- Creating an Agitation, then Providing a Solution: In the realm of writing, the creation of an agitating topic of discussion is normally used by the writer for them to create a problem, and then find a solution to it. The main reason for creating the agitation phase by most writers is to evoke a sense of empathy from their readers. Indeed, you would like the reader to understand exactly how a certain problem affects the society; and whether there are certain solutions that could solve this particular problem!
- Enabling Readers to See Glimpses of the Future: Indeed, some of the best-selling authors love to take their readers on an adventure. And one of the ways that they do this is providing their audiences with flashes of the future. The reasons for providing such glimpses is that it enables you to provide a certain convincing argument, and then come up with an effective way that this particular argument can influence future events; hence, leading your audience into your line and flow of thinking. However, writers have to be careful with this tragedy because it relies on a lot of credibility within their argumentative essay. Indeed, if the writer has no solid grasp on the content that he or she is discussing, then the effect of this technique can fail miserably.
- Facing Your Objections Head-on: Last but not least, another effective strategy of persuasive writing is that in case any doubts arise regarding your argument, it is vital that you face them directly. That is, you should handle any doubts that your audience might have regarding the content, and that their doubts can be fairly analyzed and handled accordingly!
Examples for Triggers for Persuasive Writing
So, from the aforementioned techniques of persuasive writing, we can identify certain triggers that are vital to the structure, as well as setup, of persuasive writing in our content. Here they are as follows:
- Similes: A simile is a part of speech that is usually used to compare one thing to another so as to emphasis on the description of something and make it more vivid.
- Metaphors: This is a special type of figure of speech where one thing is regarded as a representative of something else.
- Analogies: Additionally, an analogy is a comparison of one thing to that of another with the sole reason to emphasis an explanation of a specific argument.
Why It’s Important to Change Passive Voice in Your Persuasive Essay
Indeed, passive voice does not play a critical role in persuasive writing due to its shortcomings. That is why writers prefer to use the active voice over it and need to know how to spot passive voice misuse.
- The passive voice is dull: Indeed, the passive voice does not have the same flair and emotion to captivate an audience and to keep readers hooked as compared to the active voice.
- The passive voice is too formal: More often than not, we use the passive voice in formal settings to communicate and convey information to our audience. This is quite different from persuasive writing which is used to stir emotion with our audience and create infinite stories that dazzle the masses. This is why it’s important for writers to know how to check for passive voice.
How the Passive Sentence Checker Online Can Assist You with Passive Voice
How do you fix a passive sentence? You can start by taking advantage of a grammar check passive voice to detect instances of passive and active sentence structure and eliminate them using the following method:
- You can start by uploading your text in the incomplete sentence checker dialog box located on the main website.
- After doing so, the tool will employ a set of special algorithms that will work to identify each and every instance of the past tense passive voice and work to have them eliminated.
- Additionally, the passive tool also goes the extra mile to eliminate any errors in elements in writing such as syntax and grammatical errors that might be present within your text.
And eureka! You’ll be able to eliminate passive voice to enhance your persuasive writing techniques. Get your free passive sentence checker online tool now!